I thought EXPECTATIONS chapter is over…but then I realized suddenly, without a BIG feel of EGO, how can I end it?
The EGO is the one thing why you can’t say ‘I am Sorry’ to anyone, because that is the biggest obstacle in your path. People think If they say Sorry, their image will get down. This society will consider them as weak If they feel guilty on anything. Whenever we advice anyone to say sorry… Some people react very horribly as we have made the biggest mistake. Some reactions are like:
1) “WHAT..???!!!” – As if we have made a big mistake by suggesting them.
2) “Why should I say ‘Sorry’? I didn’t do anything wrong.” – They know from inside that they made mistake but still they EXPECT that if other person will say Sorry once, then I will admit my mistake. How interesting thinking only because of this EGO..!!
3) “No ways…NEVER..!!!” – Now this is the most rude reply. The person is very desperate that he/she hasn’t done anything wrong. No chance..!!
4) “Ok..will try..”- This has some chances which may work sometimes.
Sorry, I am somewhat technical so a little bit classification was given above. I know it’s not good but can’t help it. So my point is, Personal EGO is the biggest weakness of a person. “Why should I do this?” Is the question which always arises in a person’s mind when there are some unusual situations. People think Only Weak persons say Sorry but I think
“If you can admit your mistake then you are the strongest person in the World.”
At least you have the guts to admit that “Yes, I was wrong”. I have observed that in every relation, we say ‘Sorry, my mistake’ for very small things. Like when your friend’s pen fell down by you, ‘Oh…I am sorry.” Or when you forget to bring any small thing of your friend which he/she demanded you say, “Oh no..i forgot ..I am sorry.” The situations are endless but very small. Even on roads when we accidently come across anyone we say ‘sorry’ even if we don’t know the person.
But why this same thing can’t be happen when you make some real mistake which truly hurts anyone? At that time, your EGO comes into your way and you are unable to accept your mistake. You can feel guilty for small things but why you can’t accept your big mistakes which are truly needed. At that time your EGO keeps pushing you away from your relations who once hurt can’t be regained. So just think once by putting your EGO aside, which thing is more important? Your Ego or your relations…….
Oh..Very much philosophical I can say, but this is totally practical and applicable. Really..!!!